
Welcome to Kabegami. This site is blander than most of my others, but it's an archive so I figured "function before form." Aw, come on, the design's not that bad. Stuff below.

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Brand spankin' Fresh

Site updates and news are all right here. The newest wallpapers can be easily accessed through this page.

Joss Whedon's Wacky World

The faces, characters, and words of the weevil Joss Whedon can be found here. A couple of them feature excerpts from fanfics.

X-Men: Comics & Movie

Desktops featuring the mutants of Marvel's X-verse. Most of them will be from the movie.

Anime and Cartoons

Anime and cartoon desktops. Yeah, I know, the subtitle is stupid and misleading. Well, that's tough.

Dudes & Chicas

Featuring actors, actresses, singers, etc. Basically, people I think are cool.

My very Own Creations

These are all desktops that I have created from scratch, without the use of stock images like the rest of my wallpapers.

As the Brain Turns...

Sometimes, I get a little too obsessed with a show and create a whole series of desktops dedicated to the characters. You can find those here.

Stuff That Don't Go Nowhere Else

The dumping ground for the wallpapers all my other creations. That doesn't mean they're not good. Just that there's nowhere else to stick 'em.

Everything You Need to Know

Want to know how I make these desktops? What my distribution policy is? Site-related info can be found here as well as linking to this site, contact info, disclaimers, etc.

Get Outta Here

Links to my other sites, sites that have wallpaper, and a couple random sites that I really love.

/ home / newness / jossland / xmen / comicdom / anthros /
/ original / serialize / leftovers / about / links /

Kabegami © 2001-2003 Astrumignis Productions. Owned and operated by Amezri Mizudax.
No copyright infringement is intended, so please don't sue. Disclaimers here.
All you're going to get is a bunch of stamps and maybe a dollar.